“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, NASB).
Dear Friends,
I love sharing links to articles/videos that inform, instruct, and inspire. Including a source for cake recipes doesn’t hurt, either 🍰. Enjoy this month’s links!
In Christ’s Love,

SHARING OUR FAITH (An excellent article)
How to Share the Gospel Clearly by Charles C. Bing
BIBLE PROPHECY (It fascinates me)
Through Revelation with Pastor Tom Hughes: Episode 1 – a Hope for Our Times YouTube video
HELP FOR WRITERS (She really did this)
Why I Turned Down a Book Deal by Amy Lynn Andrews
CHRISTIAN MUSIC (God’s mercy, grace, & love!)
Real Thing by Vertical Worship ft. Sean Curran
FOR CAKE LOVERS (You’ll find a favorite here)
52 Weeks of Cakes – a blog by Julie Doster, a sweet friend of mine
Check out Emily Wickham's recommendations for information about Bible prophecy, self-publishing, cake recipes, & more! #Revelation #SelfPublishing #Cake Share on X