“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NASB).
God has called me to speak for His glory by teaching His Word to women. Every word on every page comes from God’s heart and mind, and when we open the Bible to study what God says, we’re inspired, renewed, convicted, and changed. We see God and ourselves more accurately. We develop a deeper compassion for those who don’t know Christ. We grow closer to the Lord.
I specialize in verse-by-verse exposition, which is implemented in my retreat presentations listed below. As a writer for LifeWay’s Journey Magazine, a HomeLife Magazine contributor, a podcaster, a Bible study author, and Christian blogger, I desire to communicate scriptural truths so we can know the Lord better and learn how to walk more completely in His ways. Speaking via YouTube allows me to connect with viewers regularly as we consider Bible prophecy in light of God’s Word.
If you’re looking for a speaker for your women’s group, I’m available to serve you. You can choose from the presentations listed below or request a topic/Scripture passage. Please contact me regarding my schedule and to discuss my speaking fee. Also, CLICK HERE to access a printable version of my speaking information.
Presentation Details:
- Each individual session lasts 30-50 minutes.
- If needed, every session is available on a stand-alone basis.
- Discussion questions for each session are available upon request.
- Please review my podcast, INDESTRUCTIBLE LIFE, or my YOUTUBE CHANNEL for speaking samples.
- CONTACT ME to request other topics.
- CONTACT ME to discuss speaking fees.
Retreat Presentations:
Waiting Eagerly
- Session #1: Jesus’ Promise
- Session #2: Jesus in the Air
- Session #3: Jesus on the Earth
- Session #4: How to Live Today
Discover what the Bible says about the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. Learn to distinguish between Christ’s return for His bride versus His return to reign over the earth. Be inspired to keep looking up because JESUS is coming soon.
Take-away Point: Jesus promised to return, He’s coming soon in the rapture, and we can live today with purpose while waiting eagerly for Him!
Prayer & Your Relationship with God
- Session #1: Finding Hope
- Session #2: Experiencing Joy
- Session #3: Embracing Peace
Explore the prayers of biblical saints and be encouraged to grow closer to God by practicing prayer in similar ways. Anticipate God’s response to your heartfelt expressions, allowing Him to fill you with His hope, His joy, and His peace.
Take-away Point: Prayer is an intimate exchange that enhances a woman’s relationship with God.
Touching Lives God’s Way (Choose 3-4 from the list below.)
- Session #1: She Loves Jesus
- Session #2: She Possesses a Gentle & Quiet Spirit
- Session #3: She Practices Kindness & Love
- Session #4: She Prays
- Session #5: She Knows & Shares God’s Word
- Session #6: She Uses Wisdom
- Session #7: She Practices Hospitality
- Session #8: She Works with Excellence
In our crazy, messed up world, much confusion exists. Gain understanding about godly womanhood, and learn how to please God in the way you live. Cherish the beauty of God’s ways rather than the ways of the world.
Take-away Point: The Lord calls us to touch lives for His glory, and His Word teaches us how.
God’s Healing Touch: Freedom from Unbelief, Shame, & Bitterness
- Session #1: Martha, Who Struggled with Unbelief
- Session #2: The Hemorrhaging Woman, Afflicted with Shame
- Session #3: Naomi, Trapped in Bitterness
Embrace Jesus’ compassion and power as revealed in these biblical accounts of women set free. Search your heart and release your same issues to the Lord. Experience freedom in Christ, who lovingly extends grace and compassionately restores.
Take-away Point: Jesus Christ died to set us free so we can joyfully live the abundant life He came to give.
Encounters with the Living God
- Session #1: The Faith-Filled Mother
- Session #2: The Hope-Full Messenger
- Session #3: The Be-Loved Sinner
Journey with Jesus and appreciate His dealings with three women of differing backgrounds. Ponder how He sought each one right where she was and witness His life-changing impact on each of their lives. Treasure the truth that He seeks and impacts us as well.
Take-away Point: Jesus Christ rewards our faith, gives us hope, and loves us despite our sinfulness.
Reaching for Righteousness (Choose 3-4 from the list below.)
- What is Righteousness?
- Righteousness in Our Hearts
- Righteousness in Our Actions
- Righteousness in Our Relationships
- Righteousness in Our Decisions
- Righteousness in Our Responses
- Righteousness in Our Priorities
- Righteousness in Our Convictions
- Righteousness in Our Attitudes
- Righteousness in Our Routines
- Righteousness in Our Lives
Being a Christian isn’t easy in today’s society—sometimes we struggle to do what is right. Though our view can get clouded and our circumstances fluctuate, God’s standards remain sure. His way is always the best when it comes to matters of the heart or actions we must take. Contemplate the courage and obedience of Queen Esther, who pursued righteousness despite the odds. Learn from the past and gain spiritual insights about living in the present.
Take-away Point: Just as God used Esther in an extraordinary way, He can use us as we pursue righteousness in our daily lives.
I would be privileged to minister to those in your sphere of influence, and I look forward to hearing from you.