My Prayer Garden

Emily Wickham began her writing and speaking journey in 2005. She writes for Lifeway Christian Resources and enjoys serving the Lord as an author, speaker, and podcaster. She teaches via Indestructible Life, a podcast that helps women discover the life Jesus is and treasure the life God's Word gives. Emily also shares brief messages about the return of Christ on her YouTube channel. Please connect with Emily by subscribing below to her blog, Heart Stirrings.

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My Prayer Garden

Dear Readers,

Where do you go to talk with the Lord…

  • to worship and praise Him, confess sin, and offer thanksgiving?
  • to unburden your heart, cry out for help, seek His will, and sense His presence?
  • to lift up others, praying as the Spirit leads?
  • to listen for His still, small voice?

Last month I shared about My Front Porch and how much I enjoy time with Jesus in that place. I continue to treasure those times, but since my last post, I also decided to create a prayer garden. And I want to share my adventure with you.

Now, I’m not a gardener—that tribute goes to one of my beloved sisters who devotes herself to regular garden time. Such a title also belongs to my dear friend who lives in Alaska. As for me, I don’t love weeding, and I despise mosquitoes. Heat and humidity also make me very happy to stay inside in the air conditioning. But…

I love to sit outside, gaze at the trees, listen to nature’s sounds, and marvel at God’s creation. Puffy clouds and blue skies increase my enjoyment. And I’ve discovered I especially love to talk to the Lord in this kind of outdoor environment. So what better way than to start a delightful prayer garden?

The photo above displays my limited gardening skills. I certainly don’t anticipate this ongoing endeavor will result in a “Yard of the Month” award. But that’s not the point. This tranquil space offers a touch of beauty, peace, and comfort where I can commune with my Lord. The sweetness of our times together in my prayer garden already have touched my heart.

“But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, That I may tell of all Thy works” (Psalm 73: 28, NASB).

Prayer is a privilege, and we can pray anywhere. But praying in a garden can enhance our moments with our Lord, the living God. If you share this practice, or you’d like to design your own outdoor space, please share. God’s people form the body of Christ, and it’s lovely to think about different Christians praying from special spots throughout the world.

Whenever and wherever we experience God’s nearness, it’s good for us. God’s presence shelters and protects us—plus so much more. All who know the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior are blessed by His faithful presence. Yet sometimes we drift away, caught up in the drama and busyness of this world.

Prayer brings us back into intimacy with the One who knows and loves us forever.

In Christ’s Love,

P.S. If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe for more inspirational pieces like this!

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2 thoughts on “My Prayer Garden

  1. Hi, J.D.,
    Yes, indeed, it helps so much when I remove distractions and sit in the quiet to pray. God has given us such an amazing gift in inviting us into His presence! May the Lord bless you.

    In Christ’s Love,

  2. Another wonderful post Ms. Emily. I’m learning that it matters little where I pray, as making that connection with God is most important. With that said though, I still find it much easier to do when I remove all the distractions from the world and we (God and I) can just sit together and He embraces my heart.

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