Special Post: A Prayer for the USA

Loving Father in Heaven,

Your heart must break as You look on the USA and see rampant sin. Unborn children are murdered—innocent blood shed. Women and children are violated—helpless people abused. Immorality abounds.

Evil is lauded while righteousness is mocked.

False teachers weaken the church. Leaders who appear doctrinally accurate and devoted to You are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Almighty God, please have mercy on the USA.

The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?

~Jeremiah 17:9, NASB

In the depths of Your love for mankind, You gave Your only Son, who died in our place that we might live. We’re forgiven and set free by faith in Christ.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

~Romans 5:8

Without JESUS, we have nothing. We could never meet Your holy standards on our own. Thank You for the gift of Your precious Son.

And please forgive us.

We grieve the Holy Spirit with our pride and self-righteousness. We fail to share the Gospel because we’re enmeshed in our wants, our needs, our lives.

Almighty God, please have mercy on us.

We worship You for Your perfection and fathomless love.

For though the LORD is exalted, Yet He regards the lowly.

~Psalm 138:6a

Where would we be without You? Lost. Condemned. Forever and ever.

Oh Father, please have mercy on the United States of America for the glory of Your awesome name. Compel Your people to proclaim the Gospel: Jesus died, He was buried, Jesus rose, and He was seen.

By faith in Christ, people are saved one by one.

Hope for the USA won't come through political reform, social justice, or ecumenicalism. Our only hope rests in a Person. #Prayers #Hope Share on X

His name is JESUS.

In His precious name we pray, Amen.


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