
Dear Readers,

I’m supposed to be on break from blogging. And technically I am …

But guess what? I’d like to share something very special: a dear friend and fellow writer has recognized my blog with the Premio Dardas Award. Meaning ‘prize darts’ in Italian, this award is given to blogs that convey cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values.* To God be all the glory!

I’m extremely honored Andy Lee has chosen my blog as a recipient. She’s an incredibly gifted writer with a very tender heart for the Lord. Please visit her blog, wordsbyandylee, which is pleasing to the eye and nourishing to the spirit. You will be blessed!

Also, in order to receive this award, I need to bestow it on two more blogs. I’m delighted to share a couple favorites with you:

  • soletusknow, by Heather Halbert: God has enormously gifted Heather with creativity and talent ~ she’s a singer/songwriter/guitarist, photographer, and writer. God speaks powerfully through her thought-provoking messages that always point to Him.
  • The Stream’s Edge, by Jeanne Doyon: God has granted Jeanne tremendous communication skills. As a writer/speaker and workshop leader, her blog conveys messages of truth, which are firmly rooted in God’s Word.

I’m so grateful for the way God has designed Christ’s body to minister to one another. Isn’t it beautiful? I deeply value my sisters in Christ mentioned above … along with all of you! Thank you for reading the words God places on my heart. Your support of and prayers for this ministry mean more than you know.

Wonderfully God enables us to serve in various capacities. In that light, I close with this blessing from the book of Ruth: “May the LORD reward your work, and your wages be full from the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge.” Ruth 2:12

Much love to you in Christ,



*Definition via Andy’s blog, wordsbyandylee

photo credit: Zac Wong via photopin cc

4 thoughts on “Surprise!

  1. Thank you so much, Emily! What an honor. My apologies for not reaching out before now. We are still experiencing internet problems and I am not getting out to wifi locations often..

    I’m so blessed that you enjoy The Stream’s Edge. And, thank you for sharing it with your readers.

  2. Love you Emily! What kind words. Blessings! I’m going to go read Heather’s blog. I already enjoy Jeanne’s. 🙂

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