EMILY WICKHAM began her writing and speaking journey in 2005. She writes for Lifeway Christian Resources and enjoys serving the Lord as an author, speaker, and podcaster. She teaches via Indestructible Life, a podcast where women discover the life Jesus is and treasure the life God's Word gives. Emily also shares brief messages about the return of Christ on her YouTube channel. Please connect with Emily by subscribing below to her blog, Heart Stirrings.

It’s thrilling to realize with fresh wonder just how spectacular our King JESUS is. Forever and always. Amen. #Jesus #MinistryUpdate #WritingCommunity Share on XDear Friends,
Between a mixture of busyness and procrastination, the day escaped me. Thankfully, however, I’m able to share a few words before it fully closes. And I’m so glad you’re here with me…
The Glory of Jesus: Better
“And also hast slain thy brethren of thy father’s house, which were better than thyself.” 2 Chronicles 21:13b, KJV
Today as I read 2 Chronicles 21, I audibly gasped upon reading verse four. It shocked me that King Jehoram “slew all his brethren” because I’d just learned how their father, King Jehosaphat, gave his sons “gifts of silver, and of gold, and of precious things, with fenced cities” (2 Chronicles 21:3). Surely this royal father loved all his sons, and it would have grieved him tremendously to know his one son, to whom he’d entrusted the kingdom, murdered the rest. Yet that’s exactly what Jehoram did.
While this information alone provided interesting thought, verse 21 added intrigue by stating the dead brothers were better than the king who remained. This reminds me of JESUS, who was killed by jealous, conniving, and rebellious Jewish leaders. The Lord was, is, and always will be better than any other. He’s incomparable in every way, and it’s thrilling to realize with fresh wonder just how spectacular our King JESUS is. Forever and always. Amen.
Book News
Praise the Lord, I submitted Portraits of Prayer early on July 23. My editor plans to review it by early September, so I look forward to hearing from her afterwards.
Thank you for your marvelous prayers. God is incredibly good and faithful.
Indestructible Life
Once upon a time, I had a podcast… and Lord willing, it’s coming back!
The podcasting class I attended this past May proved very helpful. I received valuable tips and insights from the teacher, Linda Goldfarb, and I’m excited to implement her recommendations as best as possible. Though I haven’t determined a firm date, I’m considering a re-launch for this September. So please keep these efforts in your prayers, and I will plan to keep you posted.
Journey Magazine
It’s time to begin thinking about the eight devotions I contracted to write for the Winter 2025/2026 issue. Despite our hot and humid summer, I’ll try to contemplate cold and cozy. More importantly, however, may the Holy Spirit guide me into precious meditations about our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ, who stays the same forevermore. I love this comforting truth.
More Magazines
In addition to writing for Lifeway, I’m interested in writing for another Christian publisher. So I researched a bit and saved submission guidelines. Please pray for God’s provision of time and inspiration to write a couple articles and pitch them in His perfect timing. May His will be done.
Conference Faculty
I submitted a proposal to serve on the 2025 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Faculty. After attending this conference more years than I can count, I’d love to help other writers as they journey toward publication. Please pray the Lord will open this door if it’s His will. Thank you so much.
Until Next Time
I’d love to hear how God is working in your life. Please comment below or feel free to email me. Thanks so much. You are a blessing!
In Christ’s Love,