God’s Presence & Our Wanderings | Drawing Near

Only fear the LORD and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you” (1 Sam. 12:24, NASB).

Thank You, Father, for Your faithful presence. You are my Rock, my Shelter, my Refuge. You lift my head when I am downcast, and You restore my soul.

When worries rise in the dark of night, You are there. 

When weariness grips me in the light of day, You are there.

When joys abound or sorrows crowd, You are there.

Your faithful presence comforts and strengthens me. You are the only true God who sings over me, loving me steadfastly. You fight for me, and You use me for Your purposes. You are my Father who holds me in the shelter of Your wings.

Yet sometimes I wander. Despite Your wondrous acts and faithful presence, my flesh seeks its own way. 

Be gracious to me, O God. Take me deeper in obedience to You … more aware of what pleases You day in and day out. Teach me Your Word so I know how to live. Lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Embolden me to spread the Gospel, helping others find life in Christ.

Thank You, Father. You are so good. You never fail. Your perfect ways and tender love shape my life, conforming me to the image of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

All glory and praise be unto You!

In Jesus’ majestic name,


God's perfect ways and tender love shape our lives, conforming us to the image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. #Prayers #MoreLikeJesus Share on X

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