Drawing Near: Like the Rain

photo credit: Old Greenhouse Door via photopin (license)


“So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth.” Hosea 6:3, Nasb

Loving Father, Almighty God,

In Christ we receive the beautiful gift of knowing You. But sometimes thoughts distract … life happens … self-interests prevail. And instead of seeking to know You more, we fill up on other pursuits.

Let’s press on.

You wait for us as we step toward You. You reach for us as we draw near. You carry us close to Your heart. Abba! Father! You are our delight—forever and ever and ever. Remind us of the treasures we find at Your throne of grace and the wisdom we discover at Your feet. Nothing satisfies like the peace of Your presence.

You come like the rain.

The more we know You, the more there is to learn. You’re an overflowing fountain, spilling life into all who truly seek You. Sometimes we strain to hear You, to know You’re near. Yet other times You speak loudly, pouring off the pages of Your Word in utter clarity.

Watering us.

You quench our thirst, restoring our souls. You’re the well that never runs dry. How can it be? Yet You are God, and nothing limits You. Exceeding every human expectation, You surpass the things dreams are made of. All the springs of life dwell in You.

Magnificent, majestic, and mine—You’re personal to each of Your children. We worship You with all our hearts, for You alone are worthy.

In Jesus’ glorious name, Amen.


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