From Weakness to Strength

It happened this morning at the trash can. An odd place, I know, but I recognized my weakness there and sought the Lord’s strength. 

He’s answering, for which I’m so grateful.

The Lord continues to teach me the importance of relying on Him, a lesson I’ll keep learning for the rest of my life. Today, as preparations for two speaking engagements fill my schedule, I’m pausing to savor the Lord’s words to the Apostle Paul:

And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

My weakness at the moment? Fatigue. After awaking early and battling a mind that refused to rest, I dragged into the day. This doesn’t even compare to the Apostle Paul’s situation, his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Cor. 12:7).  I’m almost embarrassed to mention why I feel weak. Yet I’m comforted knowing God’s grace extends to my weakness just as much as it did to Paul’s. 

Isn’t God good?

The Outline of Biblical Usage defines grace as “good will, loving-kindness, favour.” The Lord doesn’t reserve His grace for “those who qualify.” He freely pours it on each of us, soothing our sorrows and easing our trials.

Recognizing our weakness helps us grow spiritually. We can’t do it all. We can’t be it all. We can’t… but Christ can. He’s more than able. Plus, He reaches toward us in grace and provides for our needs. Like the refreshing moisture of a gentle rain, God revives us and makes us strong.

Weakness opens the door for Christ's power in us. #Grace #Jesus Share on X

Whether we experience weakness from relatively minor issues or from the weight of this world’s sorrows, it can affect us emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Rather than gritting our teeth and attempting to slog through in our own strength…

Let’s embrace the power of Christ.

He won’t leave us to languish alone. His grace is sufficient! His strength can blossom into greater fulness when we’re weak. We’re strong in the Lord Jesus, our matchless Savior and Friend.

In Christ’s Love,


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4 thoughts on “From Weakness to Strength

  1. Emily – thank you for sharing! I really needed to be reminded of this today. I am definitely one of those who focuses too much on striving…to be perfect, to get it exactly precise. Often, I get frustrated in my striving and lose sight of God’s sufficiency in my life, in everything I touch. This is a message I needed!

    1. Dear Lisa,

      You’re welcome, and thank you for sharing how this message spoke to you. I wrestle with perfectionism as well, so I completely understand what you said. God is so good and gracious! Love you, dear friend.

      In Christ’s Love,

  2. Thank you. I just felt like running away from all my problems today, and apologized to God for giving up when things get tough. (Not huge problems, btw….just stress.) Guess being weak is indeed good, since God will be definitely be the undisputed reason why/how/when I survive and come out on the other side of the storm! Thank you for your encouragement!!!

    1. Dear Lori,

      You are very welcome – I praise the Lord for using this post as an encouragement for you. May God fill you with peace as you rely on Him for strength. He never lets us down.

      Thank you for sharing – you encouraged me!

      In Christ’s Love,

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