On Mission for Jesus

“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.” John 4:35, NASB

I know. I’ve written about this verse before. Yet I can’t resist sharing more.

Do you, like me, read and wonder, Where? Where are the fields that are white for harvest? Most of the people I interact with are Christians. They’ve heard the Gospel, they profess Christianity, and they go to church.

How are we supposed to reap when the fields we’re in already have been harvested?

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I can’t take Jesus’ words lightly. Though He spoke them to His disciples thousands of years ago, they remain true today. I desperately want to be part of the action He refers to—I long to gather “fruit for life eternal” (Jn. 4:36). Since I’m having trouble seeing the harvest, my vision must be skewed. Jesus tells us to “lift our eyes.” Surely this means He’s planted people who need Christ Right. Within. Sight.

In my busyness, I must be overlooking something … or someone.

I’m going to pray. Right here and now. Will you join me?


Your Son declared that the fields are white for harvest. Yet my busyness hinders me from seeing the harvest in front of me. Would You enable me to recognize those who need help to know You? Though I can’t read hearts and minds, I can be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading. Would you please remove the distractions I tinker with and replace them with an overwhelming passion for building Your kingdom? You’ve blessed me with an understanding of how to be saved and how to live in relationship with You. It’s through JESUS! Please embolden me to reach beyond my comfort zone, pursuing people for Christ. Jesus is coming soon, and I want to busy myself with Your work—activity that truly matters—until He comes. I lean on You, Lord, because apart from You, I can do nothing (Jn. 15:5). In Jesus’ Mighty name, Amen.

Next, I’m pulling out my notebook and jotting down names of people in my life—people who need Jesus. I hope you’ll do the same…

I just wrote down ten names. While I already pray for a few of these individuals, I now plan to pray for each one regularly. I’m going to ask God to work in their hearts and draw them to Jesus (Jn. 6:44). I’m going to request opportunities to share the Gospel. I’m going to wait expectantly.

Hey, this is pretty exciting! Being on mission for Jesus applies to every Christian. When we make disciples (Matt. 28:19 ), we fulfill the work God prepared for us.

Here’s my challenge: Will you pray for your list of people? Will you stand ready to share the Gospel with them?

If we don’t, who will?

I’d love to hear from you—any thoughts, tips, or progress you experience based on this post. To God be the glory!

In Christ’s Love,


Where? Where are the fields that are white for harvest? (Click to tweet)

When we make disciples (Matt. 28:19), we fulfill the work God prepared for us. (Click to tweet)

NOTE FOR MY SUBSCRIBERS: Please look for my Ministry Update on Tuesday, June 13. You’ll be the FIRST to know how God is working in and through Proclaiming Him to Women Ministries. Thanks for your interest!

4 thoughts on “On Mission for Jesus

  1. I have a list in the back of my prayer journal of unbelievers. It started with my husband and has grown as I have met other women married to unbelievers and have had parents ask me to pray for their children. I know my name was on several prayer lists before I came to know the Lord. I remember seeing it written down on one of my aunt’s prayer lists. People were praying for me and my salvation. Now, as a believer I find it such a privilege to do the same. Thank you for the reminder and the urgency to do this daily and to seek opportunities to share the gospel.

    1. Dear Holly,

      Thanks so much for sharing your experience with this. I love that you have a growing prayer list for non-Christians. I also appreciate your understanding of its importance because you used to be on a prayer list like that. God is so wonderful in the way He works. May He continue to bless your outreach for Christ and grant much spiritual fruit. Love you, sister!

      In Christ’s Love,

    1. Joshua,

      Amen! Thanks for taking time to read my post and comment. Blessings to you in Christ as you serve Him through your writing. May He expand your reach for His glory.

      In Christ,

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