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“Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH.” Ephesians 6:14, Nasb
No doubt about it, there’s power in truth. Jesus said, “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
While lies and deception bind and imprison us, truth delivers us. (Click to tweet)
The very first piece of armor we need to wear is TRUTH. Sounds easy enough, right? We know God’s Word pretty well, we know a lot of kooky teaching runs rampant, and we know we attend a solid, Bible believing church. So where’s the danger?
Oh, my friend, the evil one is a sly one. He’s been lying and deceiving since time began, and he’s good at it. After all, he’s the father of lies. And if we think we’re invincible against his wily ways, let’s think again.
God instructs us to cover our loins, “the place where the Hebrews thought the generative power … resided,” with truth.
Power. Generative power.
Figuratively speaking, this reproductive power must be protected by truth because otherwise we’ll fail the next generation. If our beliefs become muddied by worldly wisdom, cultural trends, or false teaching, not only are we affected—so are those who come behind us. Our weakness will translate into weak foundations for our children and grandchildren, whether they’re our children by birth or children in the faith.
God calls us to stand firm, to stay in place. (Click to tweet)
The push against truth exists in the world, of course. But have we considered that this push against truth also exists in Christian circles? Oh yes, it does, and that’s where it’s particularly sly. We certainly don’t want to look at everyone with suspicion, but we do want to know the truth. This element alone will help us detect when a lie or deception is slithering our way.
- “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth.” John 14:6
- “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth.” John 17:17
In a world where truth is relative, we desperately need to put on Christ, who IS truth, by imitating His actions and practicing His teachings.
In a country where just 45% of church attendees read their Bibles more than once per week, we must put on truth by diligently studying God’s Word.
TRUTH strengthens us to stand firm, and TRUTH protects the next generation. (Click to tweet)
Until next time, much love in Christ,
Wonderful post Emily! Thank you for this encouragement! 🙂
Thank you, dear Marcie! To God be the glory. Glad to hear this post encouraged you.
In Christ’s love,
Emily, Great post! I especially love this: “In a world where truth is relative, we desperately need to put on Christ, who IS truth, by imitating His actions and practicing His teachings.” Ironically, I just posted about truth and lies.
Keep shining your light!
Hi dear Beckie,
Wonderful to hear from you – thanks! And thanks for the link to your post. We even used some of the same verses :). Truth is such an important topic – thankful for your perspective on it as well.
Much love in Christ,