“Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips, nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children.” Titus 2:3-4, Nasb
Something special happens when an older woman comes alongside a younger woman, pouring truth and wisdom into her life.
The young woman can ask the older woman questions and share her troubles along with concerns. Because she’s experienced life a bit more, the older woman can listen kindly, pray passionately, and guide wisely. This is God’s plan. He instructs older women to focus on younger ones who are traversing life behind them because…
Walking in another’s footsteps is easier than forging through life alone.
Certainly, times change, and obviously we don’t face the issues of New Testament life. However, a woman’s heart remains the same throughout time. Deep within each of us resides a built-in mechanism that responds well to godly mothering:
Whether it’s nurturing, counseling, discipling, or passing down practical skills, women appreciate being loved well.
Many of us have daughters by birth. All of us probably possess relationships with daughters in the faith. We can impact their lives for Christ by behaving appropriately, teaching goodness.
But, when? You might ask. How in the world can I fit another thing into my schedule?
The Lord’s ways don’t burden us. He isn’t watching and waiting to fuss at us for every wrong action or missed opportunity. He doesn’t demand we log a specific number of hours in this arena.
God just wants us to start each day with an open heart to His leading. Part of that involves considering younger women, opening our hearts to their needs and pursuing ways to assist them.
So, I desire to provide tools for us through Moms & Mentors. I’m excited about creating resources to use with my teenaged daughter as I seek to disciple her. I’m also looking forward to growing more intentional in my efforts to train her how to become a godly wife and mother. Of course, all of this applies to my heart for younger women as well.
How about you? What would you find helpful as you disciple your daughter and/or reach out to younger women?
Please leave your questions or comments below. I’d love to hear from you as we embark on this journey together.