Bullies & Bus Drivers

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?” Romans 8:31, NASB

Rudely he removed me from the seat–perhaps even pushed me to the floor. I was only five or six years old. The bully insisted I took his seat on the bus, so he made certain to retrieve his place. Unbeknownst to me, maybe that was his assigned seat. Either way, a mistake or an intentional offense didn’t warrant his ugly response. But you know what the worst thing was? I told the bus driver about the situation, and she told me I shouldn’t have sat there in the first place.

I’ve never forgotten that feeling–the loneliness of not being defended. Not having someone on my side. Made to feel as if I was in the wrong though I had been mistreated.

Can you relate? I believe all of us long to be understood and supported. Often we are, but sadly, many times we’re not. Occasionally we open our hearts and find criticism rather than support. Instead of feeling like at least one person remains in our corner, we feel alone.

But we’re not.

Although such scenarios can cause tears to weave down my face, I’m thankful for times like that because they drive me into Jesus’ arms. He loves me. He understands me. And He’s for me.

“But the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me” (2 Tim. 4:17).

Dear friend, are you yearning for someone’s understanding and support?  The Lord is standing with you, strengthening you. He’s by your side … on your side.

What a comforting, beautiful truth.

“There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24).

Friendship comes in many varieties, and every single friend offers different blessings. We thank God for these precious people and the myriad of ways they positively impact our lives. Yet even when friends fail, the Lord never does.

So many years later, my struggle isn’t with forgiving the bullies of life–but the bus drivers. Today is a great day to start. Will you join me?

photo credit: School day via photopin (license)

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