As a young wife, Juana Mikels was vivacious, attractive, and multi-talented. She was also selfish. Leaving her husband of three years, she put her needs and desires first while placing her marriage vows behind.
Choosing Him All Over Again: A Story of Romance & Redemption has re-awakened my desire to pursue unselfishness. Because I am selfish too. How many times have I put my needs and desires before Mark’s? Way. Too. Many.
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.” Phil. 2:3, NASB
Perhaps the most difficult place to implement this truth is in our marriages. Yet Juana’s story enables us to see the consequences of selfishness plus the benefits of unselfishness. So how did she change from that self-seeking young wife into a woman intent on following God’s way? The Lord intervened in her life. Despite Juana’s intentions to find a man who could fully satisfy her heart’s longings, God found her. He made her a new creation in Christ. Then, He restored her marriage.
Juana’s account of marital separation followed by marital restoration instills hope. More importantly, her salvation through faith in Christ stands out as the most pivotal experience of her life. Truly HE makes all the difference for any woman–married or single.
Speaking of God’s desires for us in our marriages, Juana says,”He wants to make us less selfish and more loving” (pg. 300). While Choosing Him All Over Again touches on many aspects of marriage, this truth of dying to self especially pierces my heart. For you, something different might resonate deeply. But all of us can learn from Juana’s experiences and the Biblical insights God has given her.
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Good book review. I really like your new look and format. Easy to read. Enjoyed it very much.
Hi Sylvia,
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed this book review also ~ to God be the glory.
Love to you in Christ,