Tidbits of Truth: Majesty & Strength

“The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The LORD has clothed and girded Himself with strength.” Ps. 93:1

Our awesome God is clothed with majesty and strength … and by His grace we’re clothed in the righteousness of His Son. Isn’t that absolutely incredible?! Joy to you today, my friends!

4 thoughts on “Tidbits of Truth: Majesty & Strength

  1. Happy Belated New Year! Thank you for reminding me of his Grace which is never ending. My mind has been bogged down with life’s issues. It blessed me so to be reminded just how majestic our God really is. He is big enough to handle my worries! I just have to let go and let him lead. Thank you for You and for your ministry! Hugs and Blessings, Melissa

    1. Hi Melissa,

      It’s a blessing hear from you ~ Happy New Year to you as well! I’m thankful this post blessed you, and may the Lord’s grace and majesty continue to strengthen you.

      In Christ’s Love,

  2. Sorry I haven’t replied in a while. Life just got away from me in all but the essential areas. I am still praying for you and your ministry. To make things more complicated my computer has frozen up and will not take any passwords. God bless you and do hope to be up and running soon.

    1. Oh Sandy, no problem at all. Thank you for your valuable prayers! Blessings to you in Christ ~ may God’s grace and peace sustain you during this busy time.

      In Christ’s Love,

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