“And I saw heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, And He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True …” – Revelation 19:11
Betrayed. The word itself communicates heartache.
Have you ever been betrayed? Unfortunately many of us can respond, “Yes.” For what or whom? The possibilities range from hurtful to gut wrenching to absolutely devastating. Perhaps you’ve been betrayed for:
- drugs or alcohol
- another’s effort to gain attention/prominence
- pornographic images
- another woman/man
- money
People betray people for all sorts of reasons. But underlying every choice exists selfish desire. This particular human weakness remains a fleshly failure none of us can control. It derives within the betrayer, yet all too often we wrongly classify the betrayal as “our fault.” Surely we’re sinners and unquestionably we contribute to other’s difficulties. But we don’t make others’ decisions to sin. Though we intellectually realize this, we flounder in our brokenness. Determining our need to improve in some way, we sometimes obsess over reaching self-imposed goals. Wearing ourselves out in pursuit of peace, we neglect to recognize the true Source of peace: Jesus Christ. He knows exactly how it feels to be betrayed, and He Himself remains the remedy.
Jesus was betrayed heartlessly for 30 pieces of silver. How belittling that the Son of God, the Creator of the universe, the Almighty “I Am” was considered of such small value. Daily He walked with and loved the one who eventually sold Him short. Eternally He knew the outcome of their relationship. Yet He was not deterred. He did not change His mind. HE is Faithful and True.
“Faithful and True”–so completely contrary to the term “betrayed.” With that simple description of our God, we breathe in hope and healing. No matter who sells us short during these days of our lives, our Savior and Redeemer has bought us back with His precious blood. He will NEVER leave us. He is ALWAYS faithful. He ALONE is true.
Beloved, whatever our past or present circumstance, the Lord continues as Keeper of the heart. He uses all things for good for those who love Him (see Romans 8:28). He speaks healing into our brokenness and leads us into the freedom of forgiveness. Surely we’ve all transgressed against Him, yet astoundingly, willingly Christ was betrayed … FOR US. Because of His spilled blood we stand forgiven … with Him who is Faithful and True right by our sides.
“…To Him who loves us, and released us from our sins by His blood … to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.” – Revelation 1:5-6
photo credit: seanmcgrath via photopin cc
Can’t tell you how much I needed to read this blog now! I have been trying to find peace with myself for over a year now in one situation where I was severely betrayed and left broken. This helped me to remember who to find that peace in…nothing short of Jesus Christ himself!
Dear Anna,
So pleased to hear the Lord spoke to you through this message. Yes, Christ is our answer! May He flood you with His peace and heal every broken place.
In Christ’s Love,
This has been very helpful. I was betrayed by a family member several months ago. It was devastating and I dove into a deep depression because it brought baçk many memories of hurt and rejection. As your blog said I blamed myself even though I did nothing. That was a strange reaction I suppose. With God’s help I have recovered but unfortunately the relationship may never be repaired.
Dear Teri,
Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry to hear of your experience with betrayal, but I’m glad to hear the Lord has restored you. May He continue to grant you peace in all things.
In Christ’s Love,
My heart has been traveling in a similar way. Here is a little bit of what I was working on today for tomorrow’s blog:
Jesus was rejected by the same people who crowded around Him. He was rejected by the ones who cried Hosanna waving palm branches and laid their cloaks down for Him to walk on. He knows how you feel: The emptiness, loneliness, the feeling of being unloved and uncared for, He gets it. Because of this, He has promised to never leave us or turn His back on us.
Thanks for sharing, dear Jeanne. So interesting how He parallels our thoughts at times. I can definitely see the connection between betrayal and rejection. The depths of what He suffered for us are really unimaginable. Blessings to you as your write tomorrow’s post for your blog. I look forward to reading, Lord willing!
Love to you,