Life, Lifeway, Indestructible Life, & More

EMILY WICKHAM began her writing and speaking journey in 2005. She writes for Lifeway Christian Resources and enjoys serving the Lord as an author, speaker, and podcaster. She teaches via Indestructible Life, a podcast where women discover the life Jesus is and treasure the life God's Word gives. Emily also shares brief messages about the return of Christ on her YouTube channel. Please connect with Emily by subscribing below to her blog, Heart Stirrings.


The Lord of life clothed Himself with human flesh on our behalf. Please join me in considering this truth and allow me to share ministry praises for 2023. #ministryupdate #Jesus Share on X

Dear Readers,

Are you ready for Christmas? I couldn’t resist asking this oft-repeated question that starts so many casual conversations this time of year. But please don’t let it stress or push you. After all, what does it really mean to be “ready for Christmas”?

Decorations, gatherings with loved ones, presents, and cookies instantly permeate my mind as I contemplate Christmas. Though I think we’d all agree these contribute to heartwarming moments and memories, they don’t form the essence of Christmas. Because for Christians, the one essential component of this special day exists in a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I realize the Christmas holiday contains some pagan roots, and honestly, this troubles me. Yet when we focus our gaze on the miracle of JESUS coming to earth as a baby, may our wonder never cease. The Lord of life clothed Himself with human flesh on our behalf.

Please join me in considering this astounding truth and allow me to share Proclaiming Him to Women praises as 2023 nears its end…

The Glory of Jesus: Life

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4, NASB).

Jesus possesses life. He gives life. He IS life. Picturing Him as a precious baby in the manger evokes astonishment, gratitude, and more. He came. Just knowing He came to earth for you and me delights us deep within. But let’s not stop there.

“And the Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him” (Luke 2:40).

The Son of God grew into manhood, working alongside Joseph as a carpenter. Until one day His ministry emerged, characterized by loving others, helping many, healing the sick, teaching God’s ways, and more. And at one point Jesus declared, “I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread also which I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh” (John 6:51).

Jesus obediently and willingly sacrificed His flesh on the cross. He died on the cross for our sins and was buried. Three days later He rose from the grave in victory! Jesus, the living One, is life in every sense of the word. Praise His glorious name. And in Him, we have life, too.


It’s always a glad moment when I receive an email from my Journey editor, which again occurred in early November. I contracted to write seven devotions for the Spring 2025 issue. Wow—it’s a bit challenging to think that far ahead! Unless the Lord returns before then, however, it will arrive quickly.

I’ve also been in recent touch with the editor for Homelife Magazine, and praise the Lord, I contracted for another article. This piece is scheduled to be published in the August 2024 issue, and another article also met my editor’s approval—he just needs to determine a publication date. All praise to our awesome God.

Indestructible Life

Season 4 was going along smoothly with episode 4 airing late last week. So far in the series, Traits of a Godly Woman, we’ve covered “Working with Excellence,” “A Gentle and Quiet Spirit,” “Showing Hospitality,” and “Using Wisdom.” If you’d like to watch/listen to any of these episodes, please visit my YouTube channel, tune in on your favorite podcast app, or click the episode of your choice HERE.

Then yesterday, something unexpected developed. The Holy Spirit gave me a desire to reach out during the days leading up to Christmas with messages about joy and peace. I recorded Season 5 Episode 1 last night, and it’s available on various podcast apps or HERE. Please take a listen, and may you be blessed!

And just in case you’d like a little more information, every episode is Season 5 contains shorter content—around 10 minutes or so. By God’s grace, I aim to help us navigate our way through the Christmas season with joy and peace rather than getting bogged down with busyness and stress. May every listener find encouragement and inspiration from these messages.

Year-end Thoughts

God has blessed in so many ways throughout 2023. I rejoice in His faithfulness and goodness, celebrating this year’s highlights:

  • January: A personal writing retreat in Laurel Springs, NC
  • February: God’s provision through different donations
  • March: Homelife publication of my article, “Grieving with Hope”
  • April: Discovery of my Heart Stirrings Blog being recommended in the Summer 2023 issue of Journey Magazine
  • May: Three ministry logos created by my very own daughter!
  • June: The Write-to-Publish Conference in Wheaton, Illinois
  • July: Completion of Season 2 for Indestructible Life
  • August: The release of Grateful: Giving Thanks to God in All Things
  • September: Guest appearance on UpTime Community Church (YouTube)
  • October: Instagram Live videos (I survived!)
  • November: Lifeway Women Instagram Live video (Click HERE if you’d like to watch)
  • December: Something very wonderful that I’ll share when the time is right ☺️

Until Next Time

May the life of Jesus, in Jesus, and through Jesus fill you with joy and peace at Christmas as well as all through the new year.

In Christ’s Love,

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I reach out once a month via e-mail, and I'd love for you to benefit from my ministry.


2 thoughts on “Life, Lifeway, Indestructible Life, & More

  1. Thank you for all your encouragement and inspiration Ms. Emily. What a blessing-filled year you are having. Some great articles with more coming in 2024. Congratulations ma’am. God’s blessings, and Merry CHRISTmas to you, Mr. Mark, and your sweet family.

    1. Thank you, J.D. I apologize for my delayed reply, but I greatly appreciate your kind thoughts and Christmas wishes. Blessings to you in Christ!

      In Him,

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