Jesus Came, My Gift to You, Something New, & More

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Jesus Came, My Gift to You, Something New, & More

Dear Readers,

Today I traveled to Charleston, SC to surprise my eldest son for his birthday. It truly blesses me to be here with Everett and Anna although I wish my sweet husband could have come with me. Yet I will treasure these moments with my beloved children just as “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19, NIV).

Please join me for the latest in Proclaiming Him to Women…


“But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons” (Galatians 4:4-5, NASB).

One of my favorite Christmas songs, “You’re Here,” emphasizes the truth that JESUS came. He didn’t leave us in our wretchedness and squalor—He came to buy us back so we can dwell in eternal relationship with God. Words cannot describe such amazing love, this love God has for us.

At the perfect time, God sent His beloved Son, who obediently left heaven’s glory to enter earth’s darkness. The Light of the world shone brightly all His days, and when He shed His precious blood on the cross for our sins, His beauty shone even more brilliantly. Then God raised His Son right out of that grave on the third day! The Lord Jesus Christ’s radiant presence will shine for all eternity, and there will be no need for sun or moon because the Lamb is the lamp (see Revelation 21:23).

Jesus, the bright morning star, is coming quickly (see Revelation 22:16 & 20). May we treasure this truth and wait for Him eagerly. He came here more than two thousand years ago, but soon His bride will join Him where He is now:

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3). 


Remember the article I submitted in September? I was thrilled to hear back from the editor last week, and his e-mail brought me such joy. Great things are happening—praise the Lord! I’ll fill you on details when definites are determined. In the meantime, please continue praying for God’s favor in this arena. I love writing for LifeWay. Thank you!


Some of my devotions are scheduled to be published in January and February 2022. This time I’ll be credited as part of the writing team, which is an exciting honor. God is so kind. May He use the words I write to impact others for His glory. 


Last month the Lord enabled me to compile a set of study questions on the book of Acts. While I originally wrote this material for my ladies’ life group, I’m glad to offer it to others. In fact, I’m giving it for free when people subscribe to my blog, and some of you are new to my site for that reason. Thank you so much! But I’d also love to send this Bible study resource to the rest of my subscribers.

UNHINDERED is easy to use and appropriate for personal or group use—just you, your Bible, and four questions per week. It covers the entire book of Acts in 11 weeks, or you can work through it more quickly if desired. For more information, please take a look at Bible Study a New Way and contact me for your own PDF copy.


I’m also pleased to announce I’m creating a Bible Reading Plan that will include links to teaching videos. WAITING EAGERLY will guide you through scriptures and lessons about the return of Christ, so if you’re interested in learning more about this topic, you’ll benefit from this material. Please be looking for this free resource in the near future.


It’s been quite a year … unexpected and incredible. The Lord led me to fill in as a high school literature and writing teacher from January – May, and I’ll never be the same. That experience overlapped into our house remodeling project, which began in April and was completed for the most part last month. (My wonderful husband still is completing the flooring we decided to add midstream.) My YouTube ministry increased tremendously, and my writing goals + focus are gaining clarity.

God taught me in abundance about His faithfulness, goodness, and love in 2021. I’ve no doubt He’ll continue to reveal more in days to come, and I praise Him ahead of time for the plans He holds for this ministry in 2022.

May you see God’s loving handprints on your life as you daily walk with Him.

Thank you for your support and prayers—to God be all the glory forever and ever. And please check out these posts for more inspiration:

In Christ’s Love & Christmas Joy to you,

JESUS came. He didn’t leave us in our wretchedness and squalor—He came to buy us back so we can dwell in eternal relationship with God. #Christmas #Jesus Share on X Please take a look at Bible Study a New Way and contact Emily for your FREE copy. #Free #BibleStudy Share on X

2 thoughts on “Jesus Came, My Gift to You, Something New, & More

  1. Congratulations Ms. Emily. And thank you for the encouraging words ma’am. God’s blessings and Merry CHRISTmas to you, Mr. Mark, and your entire family.

    1. Thank you very much, brother J.D.! I’m sorry I’m so late in replying that Christmas already has passed. But I remain grateful for your kind words and thoughts. I trust you and Diane shared a very special Christmas. May the Lord continue to guide and direct you in all you do.

      In Christ’s Love,

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