Heart Stirrings: God’s Glory, HomeLife, & Conference News


HEART STIRRINGS will stir your ♥ toward JESUS while helping you know, love, and live God's Word.



HEART STIRRINGS: God’s Glory, HomeLife, & Conference News

Dear Readers,

I’m so glad to be completely back!!

School is over, and by God’s grace, I finished in His strength. My biggest takeaway centers on the truth that God is greater than we can comprehend. The way He carried and sustained me plus provided for all my needs will stay with me always. Memories of my students also will remain in my heart, which is best expressed in my poem, “Keep Hoping, Loving, and Living for God.”

Back in the writing world, the Lord enabled me to attend the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference for a couple of days last week. God’s presence truly feels palpable at Ridgecrest where this event is held year after year, and I was blessed to experience His plans for me during that short time. Inspiring messages, informative classes, divine appointments, and more filled me to overflowing. Please join me below for the details. But first, let’s reflect on…


The LORD’s glory filled the temple in bygone days, and Ezekiel 43 describes a future moment when this will occur again. Now and forever, however, God dwells in every born-again Christian—we are His temple. This reality should grip us with wonder.

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16, NKJV).

Pondering this truth creates a new level of conviction. If the glory of JESUS permeates you and me through the Holy Spirit’s presence, others should be able to detect it. Because when the glory of the LORD filled the temple, holy awe pervaded the air. God’s presence was palpable.

Do people sense the living God within us? Do our words and actions accommodate His holiness, or do we mute His presence by fleshly attachments and conduct?

Wow. I’m all for reminding myself and God’s people that HE is with us and will never leave us. Yet along with this truth, may we remember the awesome privilege and wonder of being inhabited by the only true God. May we daily become more like JESUS, spilling His glory onto those around us.

“For God, who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6, NASB).


A deadline looms before me: July 9 to be exact. I don’t think I’ve ever waited this long to begin writing my set of four devotions, but life continues along with great busyness. Even so, I plan to write one devotion per week, starting this Wednesday or Thursday. I would appreciate your prayers—thank you!


The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference never disappoints. Despite my last-minute need to depart early, God accomplished His plans for me. Knowing and experiencing this increased my confidence in His direction of my steps.

Last Tuesday I met with a top literary agent unexpectedly. After praying for the Lord to open this door if it was His will, He held the door wide open just hours later. I didn’t sign a contract—didn’t even pitch any material—but I did receive sought-after advice and direction for my next writing step. If God possesses a future plan of representation by this agent, He will open that door, too, at the right time. For now, I’m satisfied with where the Lord has positioned me.

The Holy Spirit also led me to speak with a publisher about my latest Bible study manuscript. The editor listened with interest and took a copy of my premise statement plus Lesson One. I should receive feedback soon, and if not, the editor invited me to send a follow-up email. So, we shall see what the Lord has in mind!


An article I wrote almost two years ago, “Releasing Our Children,” is included in the June issue of HomeLife. The opportunity to share my writing in this magazine never ceases to thrill me, and I plan to ramp up my pursuit of getting published in LifeWay publications. This will require focus and discipline, so I’m determined to designate a work schedule as I move forward. Teaching school showed me how much I could accomplish when I devoted myself to the task, which encourages me as I return full time to my writing and speaking. May God be glorified in and through it all.


May God bless you with peace, spiritual refreshment, and rest. JESUS is coming soon!

In Christ’s Love,

Heart Stirrings: God's Glory, HomeLife, & Conference News | Emily Wickham's updates about writing for LifeWay and time spent at the #BRMCWC #WritingLife Share on X

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