A Prayer for Those Who Are Hurting

A Prayer for Those Who Are Hurting


Sometimes the best way to touch another person’s life is to offer a prayer for those who are hurting. If you, like me, know people who are grieving loss, enduring tough times, and so on, please join me in lifting these dear ones up to our Heavenly Father.


Holy Father, You are full of mercy and grace. Your ear attends to our cries, and we’re very grateful for Your loving care. We enter Your presence with confidence because we come in the name of Your beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16, NASB).


Please comfort those who are reeling in pain due to tragic loss. These dear ones—our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances—need Your touch. Overflowing with sorrow, they might be unable to express their thoughts or verbalize their grief at this time. Yet You know. You care. And You heal. Father, please soothe their aching hearts, mending their brokenness as You hold them in Your everlasting arms.


Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” (Romans 8:26).


We also seek Your help for those dealing with extraordinary challenges. Hardships seem to be multiplying all around, so we humbly bow at Your feet. You provide. When the road ahead looks impossible, You make a way. Please plant hope within those we know who are weighed down with burdens. Grant them strength to carry their load, and give them wisdom to reach out for help as needed. Lead and equip them for all they face, revealing Your presence along the way.


“I will go before you and make the rough places smooth” (Isaiah 45:2a).

“You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me” (Psalm 139:5).


Thank You, Father, for hearing our requests for those who are hurting. Most of all, we ask You to draw them to Your Son if they don’t know Christ as Savior. And now, we look to You expectantly, for You always answer. We praise You for reaching into our dear ones’ lives in response to our prayers. All glory to You, now and forever.


In Jesus’ Mighty name, Amen.


More prayers for those who are hurting:

Sometimes the best way to touch another person's life is to offer a prayer. #Prayers #Pray #MakeADifference Share on X

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