Comparison isn’t God’s intention for us.
Years ago – and I mean years ago – I led the Women’s Ministry at Hickory Community Chapel. Today I came across some handwritten notes that I used once upon a time. What a sweet memory! It’s also a sweet touch from the Lord, reminding me how He’s expanded my ministry in amazing ways since those days.
It’s easy to compare ourselves to others and wish for MORE: More talent, more influence, more this, that, or the other. But you know what? God made each of us. He gives each of His children at least one spiritual gift. He is sovereign. And He uses us according to His will—not our own.
Let’s not compare ourselves, which is really a form of ingratitude. Let’s fix “our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith … consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:2-3).
Looking at Jesus lifts our heads up and protects us from focusing on ourselves. Oh, how we need to practice this more in our self-focused world. People don’t need to see us. They desperately need to see JESUS.
In Christ’s Love,
Let’s not compare ourselves, which is really a form of ingratitude. (Click to tweet)
Looking at Jesus lifts our heads up and protects us from focusing on ourselves. (Click to tweet)
HEART STIRRINGS will stir your ♥ toward JESUS while helping you know, love, and live God's Word.
Emily: Thanks for this important reminder. God has really put this on my heart recently, and I think it’s something worth praying about every day as we go about our work! It’s a distraction and a joy killer which takes us away from the purpose and passion God has given each of us. We need to remember He has uniquely qualified us for the task He gives us and be thankful that as He gives us the task He also equips us specifically to fulfill it. To God be All the Glory! Thanks for this great word!
Dear Lisa,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Amen to your statement that comparison is a “distraction and a joy killer.” The enemy is so sly in the ways he interferes with what God calls us to do. Blessings to you in all God accomplishes through you. I love you, dear friend and sister in Christ!
In Christ’s Love,