“Thou dost scrutinize my path and my lying down, And art intimately acquainted with all my ways.” Ps. 139:3, NASB
Dear Readers,
How are you? I mean truly—how are you? I don’t necessarily expect an answer (although please contact me if you’d like because I love to hear from you 🙂). But my point is this: we’re all in different places. God, who knows us intimately, completely understands our circumstances. He cares and loves us through the tough places. He delights and takes pleasure in the joyful places. He values and uses the in-between places. Through all of life, He’s right there with us—knowing us, maturing us, and always loving us. With Christ, we’re never alone, and I thought perhaps some of you especially need to hear that today. Honestly, it’s a great reminder for all of us.
I’d like to share the latest ministry happenings with you. God has been opening doors, and I’m thrilled:
Vertical Life Church of Newton, NC has invited me to speak at their Ladies’ Community Christmas Dinner on December 10.
And guess what? You’re invited! Please come enjoy a catered meal along with dessert, listen to music, and fellowship with other sisters in Christ. God has put a special portion of Luke 2 on my heart to share, and I’m looking forward to this time. Hope to see you there!
- When: Dec. 10, 2016
- Time: 7pm
- Where: Vertical Life Grace Extension Center (111 West 8th St. Newton, NC 28658)
- Cost: $12
- Registration deadline: Nov. 27
- Contact me to register, and I’ll put you in touch with a registrar at Vertical Life Church.
A local church is planning to host my mini-conference, ADORN, on January 21, 2017.
LifeWay’s Journey Magazine will feature a special article of mine in January, 2017.
In February, I’m registered to attend the Asheville Christian Writers Conference with a friend.
In March, I’m planning to travel to Nicaragua with ZMI Family Ministries International.
Fundraising continues, and God has enabled me to raise $1,299.47 so far. I praise Him for His provision. For the remaining amount of approximately $1700, I plan to set up another page with YouCaring.com. Giving can also be done through my web site by clicking HERE. My expenses will total nearly $3,000 as follows:
- All immunizations (in process of clarifying requirements & fees)
- My passport (approx. $135)
- Travel expenses & accommodations (approx. $1,750)
- Copies of my book that will be given away (approx. $865)
- Shipping fee to mail books to Nicaragua (approx. $200)
Lastly, I’m considering a change to my blog schedule.
In an effort to work more diligently on my book as well as engage more effectively on social media, I need to adjust some details. I will be blogging less frequently, and I’m considering the idea of posting once or twice a month rather than weekly. So, if you don’t receive a post from me next week, that’s why. And if you miss me 😀, please follow me on Facebook or Twitter if you don’t already.
Thank you, my friends. God be praised for these opportunities to lift up the name of Christ. I’m honored to serve Him, and I treasure your prayers and support. We serve an indescribably wonderful God.
In Christ’s Love,
God, who knows us intimately, completely understands our circumstances. (Click to tweet)
With Christ, we’re never alone. Maybe you need to hear that today ❤️. (Click to tweet)
God be praised for these opportunities to lift up the name of Christ. (Click to tweet)