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“Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31, NASB
Dear Readers,
Tonight ought to be a “Drawing Near” post, but I’m doing something difficult for one who meticulously “dots my i’s and crosses my t’s.” I’m changing my blog schedule for the next two weeks … I’m taking a writing break :).
Please look for my next post the week of August 2, 2015.
Before I go MIA from blogging for this brief respite, I just want to reiterate the blessing you are to me. I thank the Lord for you, and I hope you also are experiencing rest and refreshment over these summer months. When we remove some of life’s responsibilities–even temporarily–we receive the precious opportunity to sit quietly with the Lord more often. And I truly believe that makes our Father God smile.
I pray the Lord will be close to each of us in a special way during out time “apart,” reconnecting us in His perfect timing to enjoy His Word together again.
Much love in Christ,