“Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” Ps. 126:5-6, NASB
Recently I planted morning glory seeds at the base of my trellis. Wanting the best results, I followed the package’s extra instruction to soak the seeds in warm water prior to planting. That was several weeks ago. I’ve yet to see anything sprouting. Surely I’m disappointed. Good grief, how could I mess up morning glory seeds?! I’ve sown them before without much thought, and they easily sprang into lovely flowers.
God’s Word beautifully highlights a different kind of seed that ALWAYS sprouts and flourishes: spiritual seed. Wondrous results follow when we plant Biblical truths by walking in God’s ways. And most comfortingly, tearful sowing promises joyful reaping. What an exquisite truth!
I like to equate biblical principles with my ‘bag of seed.’ Many times I encounter circumstances in which I’d prefer responding in my flesh. Instead, I can choose in those instances to deny my flesh and sow spiritual seeds by implementing God’s principles. Struggling to sacrifice my natural inclinations or desires might even cause me to cry. But I can rest assured knowing that sometime, somehow, ‘sheaves’–spiritual fruit–will come forth.
Consider these possible scenarios:
Parenting a wayward child? Continue expressing God’s love and truth, exemplifying Christ’s character in word and deed.
Married to a spouse who is living outside God’s will? Persist in praying and obeying, being the kind of spouse God calls you to be.
Wrestling with a specific sin? Keep resisting it, realizing you’ll emerge stronger.
The Lord distinctly sees our every action, and He intimately knows our thoughts. Wisely He understands the challenging situations we face. When we sacrificially, even tearfully apply His principles to everyday realities, we’re planting spiritual seeds … seeds that WILL grow. Isn’t God good?
“And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” Gal. 6:9
Sowing SEEDS today, let’s anticipate reaping SHEAVES tomorrow … with SHOUTS of joy.
Image courtesy of Gualberto 107/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net