Prayer Partners: One More Step


Loving Father in heaven,


Merciful, gracious, kind, and forgiving, You repeatedly extend Your hand to me. Always reaching towards me–drawing me–in love, Your grace amazes me. Gentleness flows from You even as You convict me of sin. I confess my repetitive transgressions: specifically I’m regretting the times I speak when You prompt me to stay silent. Despite Your quiet yet clear direction to refrain from certain comments, I open my mouth anyway. And then I regret my words. But Father, You cover my sin with Jesus’ blood! You forgive! You’re pleased when I confess–when truth resonates within me and compels me to acknowledge my failure. Thank You for Your incredible mercy, Your willingness to cleanse, Your encouragement as You pick me up and lovingly urge me to take another step.


Yes, Lord, life is full of “just one more step.”


With You by my side pointing me in the right direction, patiently forgiving and providing all I need in this Christian walk, I can take … one more step.


With You speaking to my heart, opening my eyes, and shaping me with grace and truth, I can take … one more step.


With You holding my hand, steadying and strengthening me, I can take … one more step.


Please help me obey You more fully–in big things, in small things. Especially the small.


For as I yield in the seemingly insignificant, You’re equipping me to surrender in everything. And that’s HUGE.


In Jesus’ All-sufficient name, Amen.

Related Scriptures for Meditation:

  • Psalm 32
  • Jeremiah 31:3
  • 1 John 1:9
  • Ps. 103:1-3
  • Ps. 103:8-14
  • Ps. 17:5

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