All the Difference

“But you when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” ~ Matthew 6:6

It’s called worry. And it’s a sin. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night–only to be kept awake by its merciless presence. Tossing solutions around in my mind, praying, and yearning for sleep, usually I manage to slumber again. But I’m learning a new tactic in combatting this pesky interference: repeating the phrase, “I trust You, Lord.” You wouldn’t think three little words could be so effective. But they are, because a lack of trust in our awesome, all-powerful, amazing God forms the root of all our worries. By communicating my trust in Him, I’m somehow able to release my cares into His capable hands.

I spent the last two weeks preparing for my son’s high school graduation. Steadily busy the first week, I transitioned into an intense pace last week. My biggest challenge involved scanning photos into the computer, sorting them by year, and preparing two slideshow presentations … incredibly detailed work!  Though I genuinely desired to create these digital albums–especially for Everett’s sake–the fun evaporated after countless hours sitting at my desk. Glitches in the formatting certainly didn’t help either. I also had food to purchase, desserts to bake, cakes to decorate, company to clean and cook for, etc. Truly at times I didn’t know how I would accomplish everything. But I made it! The Lord brought me through in a way I’d never previously experienced. Lovingly, comfortingly, powerfully, He met with me daily in my prayer closet.

I hesitate to share because I don’t like to advertise my prayer closet. But the point is this: my time with the Lord in that special place absolutely made ALL THE DIFFERENCE last week. Normally I would have been fretful about every detail, so much so that my inner turmoil would have spilled over into family relationships … you know how it is. Sometimes we diligently labor for such ideal future results that the present is less than pleasant. Definitely I was far from perfect, yet without a doubt the Lord provided peace within. As I began each day in prayer and actively trusted in Him, He led me by His Spirit–even regarding average responsibilities. He cradled me in His arms and supplied all my needs. He encouraged my with His Word. He showed up in the form of loved ones who loaned and gathered together necessary items, fixed desserts, and graciously arrived early to help with final set-up. Sensing my stress on graduation night as I rushed to arrange everything, I prayed again. The Lord gently answered, “I am with you.” Yes, He most assuredly was.

All of us have access to God’s throne of grace through the Lord Jesus Christ. When we experience a tremendous workload, various stresses, or just the rigors of everyday life, let’s take it all to Him. Unquestionably He makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE! “His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power … those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength” (Isaiah 40: 28-29, 31). Oh, this is SO true. God did this for me … surely He will do it for you, if He hasn’t already.

Instead of welcoming worry, may we experience God’s welcome by regularly entering into His satisfying presence.

Sovereign, almighty, and compassionate Father … what a privilege we possess to call upon You. Please draw us into Your matchless presence and quicken us to obediently come. For “In Thy presence is fulness of joy; In Thy right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:11). At Your “throne of grace … we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). We trust You, Lord. Amen!

 photo credit: Flооd via photopin cc

8 thoughts on “All the Difference

  1. Thank you for sharing wisdom that the Lord speaks to you. I tend to get very overwhelmed when changes occur. Right now. I am dealing with Hannah going off to college and all that entails (finances. Which college-community or 4 year, etc) I would appreciate your prayers as we face decisions in the coming weeks. God Bless your faithful service to the Lord. Praying for you too!

    1. Oh, Kim, I will be glad to pray for you. May the Lord be very near to you during this time of change. And thank you ever so much for your prayers! Much love in Christ, Emily

  2. Dear Emily,
    I am a little late reading this blog, but it is beautiful! Congratulations on your son graduating from H.S. That is such a special time in a young person’s life. Thank You for writing about this subject of worry. We all do it and it adds nothing to our lives. You are the vessel that God uses to speak his precious word through so we may hear his mighty, but sometimes gentle words. Thank You for always being available! God Bless You, Melissa

    1. Dear Melissa, Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. God has been, and continues to be, so faithful to our family. I trust you are doing well ~ so nice to hear from you. In Christ’s Love, Emily

  3. So true, Emily. And, something we struggle with often. I love the word for power–dunamis–(I think I spelled that right) meaning dynamite!! He gives us dynamite.

  4. Wow. I was so glad to hear that Everett’s graduation ceremony went well. I myself have been stressing over mine for this Friday as well and your blog post spoke volumes to me! I went to a conference recently where the woman talked about going to talk to God in our secret place when we were dealing with so much worry or stress that we felt was too much to bear. I had to do the same thing yesterday evening and yes God is very gracious! Thank you for your outreach and positivity!!

    1. Dear Anna ~ I am so glad this post spoke to you. I just prayed for you and your graduation. What a wonderful accomplishment you have achieved in finishing out your high school career! Congratulations! May the Lord fill you with joy on this special occasion and powerfully remind you that He “rejoice(s) over you with shouts of joy” (Zeph. 3:17). In Christ’s Love ~ Emily

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