“Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart” – Luke 18:1
“I don’t even know why I should bother praying …”
Utterly frustrated and desperately discouraged, I voiced these words to God. I surely did. Was it the right thing to say? Probably not … except it was totally honest. Plus, God already knew my feelings. Seriously I’d thought a particular trial would be over at this point, but nonetheless it remains. What to do?
Even after reading a Bible chapter, I sensed zero connection with the Lord. Empty … no relief–I told Him that as well. Obviously I’ve had much better moments. Yet God didn’t give up on me. Ever so gently, He reminded me of the verse I’d recently read in the prior chapter. The Lord had taught His disciples to pray always and not lose heart. Now He directed me to do the same. A glimmer of hope arose.
Suddenly new prayers escaped my lips. Different from how I’d previously prayed, I knew they were from Him. They didn’t magically, instantly solve everything. But those prayers strengthened me for the time being. Isn’t that truly all that matters? To live minute by minute in full dependence on Him–drinking in His grace and resting in His love?
I wish I could say all has been on the upswing since. Even so, my Abba Father has repeatedly brought me back to this verse. Pray always–don’t lose heart. Pray always–don’t lose heart. In my own pitiful way, I’ve done just that. Little by little, I feel Him restoring me, lifting me up, and strengthening my heart. Though I’m unaware of what the future holds, He is enough. Yes, my Lord is enough.
What situation has you battling despair? Listen to the Lord whispering even now, “Pray always–don’t lose heart. My love for you is everlasting and nothing can separate you from it. I love you. I am with you.”
Does it really matter if we pray? By all means! For when we pray, God nourishes our hearts so we don’t give up.
Please pray with me …
Loving, Almighty Father in heaven, I humbly draw near to Your throne of grace. I long for You to replenish my weary heart in the midst of this trial. Instead of chafing against Your decision to keep it present in my life, I submit to Your will. Please forgive me for displaying a rotten attitude, and strengthen my heart to persevere. Enable me to learn the lesson You’ve sovereignly placed within this trial. Help me depend on You, drink in Your grace, and rest in Your love. Please be glorified in me. In the precious name of Jesus Your Son, Amen.
“But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:37-39
photo credit: rachel_titiriga via photopin cc
I like the way you said “when we pray, God nourishes our hearts so we don’t give up”. Prayer is the answer to so many of our problems! Staying connected with the Father. It’s hard to do and yet so easy. And I think the more we pray (more often) maybe the easier it is. A habit that is ingrained in our souls. So I’m going to be thinking on that today – that God is nourishing my heart while I’m praying. Love you Emily!
Dear Peggy,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and love. It blesses me to hear from you and to know God gave you something from this devotion to reflect on as you pray. How good He is!
Much love in Christ,
My Dear Emily,
You are so blessed and gifted with much Godlly wisdom. You are right on target, so much prayer is needed as so many face trails of all kinds. The only true way to get through them is by prayer, and trust. Then we can experience God’s grace and unsuppassing peace.
Thank you for sharing, you were spot on!
Much love,
Dear Diane,
Oh, I love you, sweet sister-in-law. Thank you for your testimony of faith lived out in your life. May God abundantly bless you today and always with His grace and peace.
Thanks too for your kind words. I’m grateful the Lord could use my experience put into words for His glory.
Much love & prayers,