EMILY WICKHAM began her writing and speaking journey in 2005. She writes for Lifeway Christian Resources and enjoys serving the Lord as an author, speaker, and podcaster. She teaches via Indestructible Life, a podcast where women discover the life Jesus is and treasure the life God's Word gives. Emily also shares brief messages about the return of Christ on her YouTube channel. Please connect with Emily by subscribing below to her blog, Heart Stirrings.

Dear Readers,
Surprise! Thinking you might be out tonight watching fireworks, I decided to share with you this morning. I pray this update will encourage and inspire you as we seek to fulfill God’s calling in each of our lives.
But first, happy 4th of July—one of my favorite childhood holidays. Now that I’m older, I realize this day of celebration exists because of God’s hand on this nation. Brave people joined together to declare our country’s independence. Freedom, a gift of tremendous worth, eventually resulted, and we are blessed to enjoy liberties many don’t possess.
Speaking of this gift of freedom, please join me in considering the gift of Jesus, our only Way to spiritual and eternal freedom. In addition, I’m pleased to let you know the latest regarding my writing and speaking journey. So, let’s get started…
The Glory of Jesus: Given
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NASB).
Relaxing in the dorm room late at night, the three of us talked about life. While I’ve known one of these ladies for years, I’d met the other days earlier at the Write to Publish Conference. And we all hit it off royally—enough so that were able to share on a deeper level, encouraging and valuing one another. So we sat, sharing and reflecting, when my new friend remarked about the friendship God has blessed us with: “This was given.”
I loved her words … a moving statement I haven’t forgotten. And it got me thinking how JESUS was given.
John 3:16 probably qualifies as the world’s most well-known Bible verse, and its truth should never fail to touch our hearts. Our Father in heaven recognized our desperate need for a Savior, so He gave His one and only precious Son for you and me.
Jesus was given.
Have you received Him into your heart and life? Do you personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?
I realize most—if not all of you—already belong to the Lord. This fills me with gladness, but just in case one of you realizes you’re lacking a personal relationship with the Lord, I plead with you to place your faith in Christ now. He died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. By believing in the Lord Jesus, you will be saved (see Acts 16:31). You will become new: “Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
God’s great love compelled Him to give His precious Son on our behalf. May we daily give Him our hearts and lives in return.
Write to Publish
Thank you for your prayers because the entire conference filled me with joy. Traveling proceeded without any problems, and I cherish the new friendships God provided. I also appreciated the opportunities to meet different publishers. God granted favor in this area because the two editors/publishers I met requested my book proposal. God be praised!
Also, I experienced such gladness in meeting David Bennett, the editor of Homelife. We’ve only interacted via e-mail in the past, so the privilege of talking, sharing ideas, and listening remains a gift I treasure. His words encouraged me greatly.
The Lord used this conference to benefit me in many ways. I’m so thankful He provided the means to attend, and I trust God will continue to produce good results in the coming months.
Book Proposal (s)
Presently, my Acts Bible study proposal is being considered by three respected publishers. I’m also waiting to hear from a literary agent. God has enabled this progress, and I am ever grateful. I’ll keep you posted.
Furthermore, I mentioned my Portraits of Prayer Bible study to a publisher who expressed interest in books on prayer. After e-mailing a one sheet, I’m waiting to hear whether the editor would like to see a full proposal. Please pray over this matter—thanks much.
The Lord generated another exciting prospect at the Write to Publish Conference. When I asked my editor about writing an article on Bible prophecy, he was interested. He suggested a three-part series, advising me to write an initial article for review. If he likes how I approach this topic, etc., this series could become reality. Please pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading as I write and submit this first piece in August, Lord willing. (Note: If you subscribe to or have visited my YouTube channel, you know I’m passionate about prophecy! So this opportunity thrills me. To God be the glory.)
Also at the conference, I submitted a 1500-word article for consideration. Please pray for God’s favor on this endeavor, resulting in a contract if the Lord wills. Thank you!
Bible Teaching
Indestructible Life is a podcast where women discover the life Jesus is and treasure the life God’s Word gives. Season One covers Bible people throughout Scripture while Season Two focuses on individuals from the Gospel of John. Thanks to all who are joining me on this wonderful learning adventure, and thank you for inviting your friends to tune in. I’m honored and delighted to communicate every God-given message.
Last month, I forgot to include the link to my latest episodes. I’m so sorry! You can follow Indestructible Life with Emily Wickham on your favorite podcast app, which will give you direct access every time I upload new content. Or, you can simply CLICK the image below and choose the message that interests you.
How Can I Help or Pray for You?
- If you’re discouraged, I love to share biblical encouragement along with a virtual hug. Sometimes we just need a friend.
- If you’re a writer looking for guidance on your journey, I invite you to reach out with a question or two.
- Please let me know how I can pray for you. Difficulties affect each of us, and it’s a privilege to pray for the needs in your life. God is so good in hearing our prayers and answering according to His will.
Until Next Time
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).
In Christ’s Love,
P.S. For more posts like this, please subscribe below.
Jesus was given for you and me. Do you know Him as your personal Savior? Join Emily Wickham for biblical truth and an update on recent ministry endeavors. Share on X
Continuing to pray you through your publishing journey and for the continued success of your podcast. What an impact for God’s kingdom you are making ma’am. God’s blessings.
Hi, J.D.,
Your prayers are so valuable and appreciated. Thank you! I’m grateful also for your encouraging words, and I give all the glory to our matchless Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In His Love,