Freedom in Writing & Speaking for JESUS

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by Emily Wickham


Dear Readers,


First thing this morning, I walked and prayed. Sunlight sparkled, birds sang, and joy bubbled. Meeting with the Lord in solitude and beginning the day this way delighted me. I’m determined to develop this habit.


Talking freely with God is a gift no one can take away. Whether we pray quietly in the closet, out loud in a room, or silently and audibly in the same prayer, this privilege belongs to every child of God. We are so blessed to belong to a heavenly Father who cares, listens, and answers.


Interacting with the living God shapes our lives, and in my case, it shapes this ministry. The Lord continues to teach and direct me—even after 15+ years of writing and speaking for Him. Please join me for the latest details of my journey…




“To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6, NKJV).


I’ve spent years trying to meet industry standards in hopes of getting a book traditionally published. From writing proposals to growing my platform, I’ve labored at these tasks. Despite my attentiveness to these requirements, however, I haven’t secured a contract. One agent kindly told me I was doing all the right things. Nevertheless, my proposals and platform fall short of the standard.


Regardless of personal experience, isn’t it awesome that JESUS met all of God’s standards? And not only did Jesus perfectly measure up to everything God requires, we measure up, too, by virtue of our faith in Christ!! No matter what we do/don’t accomplish during our stay on earth, we are clothed in Christ’s righteousness the moment we trust Him as our Savior. We are accepted in the beloved. I love this precious truth.


Perhaps God holds a future route to publication for one of my Bible studies. (Tears blurred my vision as I wrote that sentence. Because it’s super tough to carry a dream, work toward that dream, and fail to see it realized. Even so, God is good!) Yet for the present, the Lord has shown me what I love and where I experience joy. His kindness and grace in revealing these details gives me peace. My writing and speaking might not look like I planned years ago, but I’m appreciating a newfound freedom in my calling.




Three aspects rise to the top when I consider what I love about my ministry, Proclaiming Him to Women:


#1: Interacting with you


When you reply to my e-mails or comment on my posts, I love hearing from you. Discovering that God is using my words to touch your heart means so much to me. Reaching into your life with God’s Word and finding out how it resonated with you brings me joy. I love the opportunity to connect with you twice per month for God’s purposes. Thank you ever so much for being part of my Proclaiming Him to Women Community.


#2: The freedom of blogging


I recently realized how much I enjoy hosting an online space. I can write whatever the Holy Spirit inspires me to write. I can create a beautiful site for us to enjoy … a place where God’s presence can be sensed and spiritual growth can occur. Blogging opens the door for me to reach people throughout the world—how amazing is that?!


#3: Writing Bible study material


Since my last update, I’ve written another Bible study post, Fear of the Judgment. It thrills me to examine Scripture’s details and apply them to everyday life. We can learn so much, and it’s simply exciting to explore what God says. I especially love considering biblical people’s experiences and tying them into our daily situations. Including questions and prayers adds to my pleasure in creating these short study portions.




Speaking of blogging and writing Bible study posts, God is using both of these activities to help me rediscover the joy of writing. Because throughout my journey, joy sometimes was squelched—unbeknownst to me—as I labored to meet industry standards. These days, however, I feel a freedom to pour out my heart on “paper,” letting my words land as God pleases.


Isaiah 55:11 always heartens me, saying, “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”




In God’s most extraordinary way, He has shed light onto last month’s burden, that of “feeling like I must write another book in order to succeed.” While this sense hasn’t disappeared, it has lost its punch, and freedom is emerging. God called me to write and speak for Him. And by His grace, that’s exactly what I’m doing!! All glory to our mighty God.


The Lord primarily is using me through magazine articles, blogging, and videos, which don’t match my original ministry dream. Yet Isaiah 45:9 comes to mind: “Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker— An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’ Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands’?” Our Heavenly Father knows best.



A smile stretches across my face as I share God’s present work in and through me: love, joy, and peace—three facets of the fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22). The Lord is allowing me to do what I love, to rediscover the joy of writing, and to find peace in my calling. Freedom. Praise His holy name.


And you are part of my journey. “I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you” (Romans 1:8, NLT).


In Christ’s Love,


Check out these posts for more inspiration:

2 thoughts on “Freedom in Writing & Speaking for JESUS

  1. Dear Emily,

    Thank you for your comment – it means more than you know. I was thinking recently of God’s words in Isaiah, how His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. It was a good reminder of a truth we learn all through our lives. Grateful to be journeying along with you!

    Love to you in Christ,

  2. Thank you for sharing the struggles of not seeing the dreams realized exactly as we imagined. The Lord is teaching me that now as well. His plans are BEST! It is just hard when we can’t see what those plans look like and they are different than we thought.

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