Doing Enough

Am I doing enough?


When this rainy, quiet day dawned, anxiety curled around my heart. Unsure of the source, it took time for me to pinpoint my thoughts.  I landed on an underlying fear that troubles me now and then. Namely, am I doing enough for the Lord?

  • How am I making a difference?
  • What are my motives?
  • Am I really on the right track?
  • What about helping people more?

Questions like these filter through my mind, yet earlier when I prayed about my angst, a thought formed: God’s the Doer … not me.


Even so,  I wrestled with this truth because it’s also true we as Christians are to be “doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves” (James 1:22, NASB). So, I’m processing these thoughts, attempting to reconcile them in an understandable way.


And realization is spreading through me. Yes, I am to do everything the Holy Spirit leads me to do. I am to do what Scripture teaches me. I am to do all that pleases my Lord. But focusing on whether I’m “doing enough” shifts my attention in the wrong direction, burdening me with fear. Instead, I should ask, What does the Holy Spirit want me to engage in today?  


By lifting my eyes upward rather than anxiously peering inward, God will show me the way.


HE will reveal how to spend my time. HE will place people on my heart to pray for and/or reach out to. HE will press me with needs He has shaped me to meet. And the list goes on…


I just breathed a sigh of relief. It’s not about “doing enough” because JESUS already did it all. HE paid the price for my sin, and HE rose again. I don’t need to do things for God in order to gain His approval—I’m already “accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6, NKJV).  I’m free to walk in “newness of life” (Romans 6:4), filled with joy and peace and delight!


Praise God. He’s got this. As I keep my eyes on HIM, as I seek to hear His still, small voice, and as I respond in obedience, I’ll do exactly what He’s planned for me… not His plans for my family member, my fellow Christian, or anyone else. Daily fulfilling the Lord’s plans for me  is all He desires. 


My load is lifting. And if you carry the same burden, I pray its grip is loosening its hold on you, too. Go, sister! We’re free to live in God’s grace because JESUS did more than enough for each of us. 


In Christ’s Love,




“It is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace” (Hebrews 13:9).


“Run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Afraid of not doing enough for the Lord? Find out how to experience freedom from this fear. #Freedom #Grace Share on X


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5 thoughts on “Doing Enough

  1. Emily, this is exactly where my heart was this morning in time with God. I find I often need reassurance from Him that He is completely satisfied with me! That frees me to be fruitful in my work, wearing His yoke and not my own expectations. Thank you!

    1. Dear Debbie,

      You are so welcome! I praise the Lord that this message resonated with you. God amazes me again and again with His timing and personal interest. He is so good to us. Blessings to you, dear sister in Christ, as you faithfully serve Him.

      In His Love,

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