Finding Focus when We’re Overwhelmed by Noise

I’m struggling to focus. 

Even before the coronavirus and its effects, I was seeking a clearer ministry path. Now, however, it seems life has turned upside down. Who would have thought facets of everyday life would close so quickly—businesses, schools, churches, and so on? Yet here we are … faced with a troubling, uncertain situation.

I don’t feel like my voice can even be heard above the noise.

Social media is swamped with myriads of voices. The news contains story after story concerning anything and everything related to the virus. It feels like everyone is talking all at once, and I can’t handle all of the information rushing toward me. 

So in a sense, I’ve retreated.

Sounds strange, perhaps, but it’s my way of coping with the barrage of input. I have to let everything sink in and allow myself the opportunity to process all that’s transpired.

At the same time, I find myself longing for focus, desiring to be effective for the Lord during this traumatic event. Yet where should I fix my attention? So many needs exist.

One of those needs involves you.

As I write this message, I’m trusting the Holy Spirit’s direction, believing some of you are also feeling overwhelmed—dodging information overload while managing daily responsibilities. And I’m reminded of a truth regarding God’s Word:

Thy word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105, NASB).

We can benefit from Scripture’s counsel on where to focus.

Reacquainting ourselves with this priority will calm, strengthen, and guide us. So, I’ve created a handout filled with Bible verses about where to fasten our gaze. It’s located at the end of this post, and I encourage you to print a paper copy. Place it on your kitchen windowsill, tape it on the bathroom mirror, arrange it on your nightstand, or tuck it in your Bible.

Allow God’s Word light your way in these shifting times.

I’m available to pray for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or comment below with requests.

We belong to an all-powerful, sovereign God. He loves us so.

In Christ’s Love,

P.S. CLICK HERE for a comforting song by Chris Tomlin

Where should we fix our attention in these troubling, uncertain times? Print your own copy of this free Scripture handout that tells us where to fasten our gaze. #Focus #BibleVerses Share on X

Click on the image below to print this Scripture handout:

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