WRITERS CLINIC: The Writers’ Prayer

“Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4, NASB

Dear Christian Writer Friends,

Like a vast night sky devoid of stars, my mind produced an empty canvas when I pondered today’s topic. I considered covering remedies for writer’s block, yet I kept returning to one main solution: prayer. So, yes, I’ve prayed throughout the day, desiring to share valuable content. Now, as I sit here typing—pressed for time and still contemplating a topic—the Holy Spirit has led me to write a prayer.

In several short weeks, Lord willing, we’ll exchange 2018 for 2019. And the perspective we hold about our writing will impact our future. Either we’ll begin the new year discouraged and doubting whether God even called us into this writing adventure, or we’ll start another year with gratitude for how far God has brought us plus faith for where He’ll lead us. Which outlook will we choose?

Please join me in prayer.

In Christ’s Love,



Loving Father in Heaven,

Thank You for saving us through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ … for stopping at nothing—even the death of Your Son—to make us Your own. We’re blessed because we belong to You.

Thank You for calling us to write.

You’ve shaped each of us differently, yet every one of us is created in Your image. While some fashion fiction and others pen nonfiction, You maintain a purpose for the Spirit-led words we write.

Thank You for giving us purpose.

You’ve also opened different doors. Help us to reflect on the success we’ve experienced, knowing nothing happens by accident. Give us grateful hearts for the progress we’ve made. Even though we might wish for more, we trust Your perfect timing.

Thank You for granting us success.

You’ve enabled us to interact with other writers and perhaps some industry leaders. Certain feedback has satisfied us while other input has deflated our enthusiasm. Criticism can be difficult and disappointing, but You always weave a lesson within.

Thank You for providing learning opportunities.

Despite the slowness of this industry, You exist outside of time. We might feel like our careers are creeping along, yet they’re in the perfect spot as long as we walk in step with You.

Thank You for holding our hands.

Father, You’ve guided each of us this year on a unique writing path. Whether we self-publish, write magazine articles, traditionally publish, focus on blogging, or labor in another area, we rest in Your good plan. You know what’s best.

Thank You for using us.

As we reflect on the blessings of 2018, we anticipate 2019. What will You do? Where will You send us? And whom will You impact with the words we write? We relinquish our grip, lifting our hands in surrender. We trust You anew for 2019 and beyond. You’re so good to us. We rejoice because You’re in control.

Thank You for moving us forward this past year and for fixing our eyes on You as a new year approaches. May we serve You well, glorifying Your name as Christian writers.

In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Father, You've guided each of us this year on a unique path. Thank You for using us as Christian writers. #WritersLife #ChristianWriters Share on X

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