“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.” Micah 7:7, Nasb
Dear Readers,
The Lord is good in whatever circumstances we encounter, and He holds our hands along life’s pathway. May we be comforted by knowing this truth and grasping His goodness today—whether in life’s joys or even in the midst of difficulty.
My biggest news this month concerns the fundraiser for my Nicaragua trip. One of my dearest friends has offered to donate all of the proceeds from refreshment sales at her and her husband’s upcoming auction. Please keep this event in your prayers, and if you live in the Hickory, NC area, I’d be so happy to see you there!
Richard and Linda Troutman will be auctioning off many items from their home, including a fishing boat, arcade games, yard equipment, children’s books, and kitchen items. Truly, there’s something for everyone, and I can promise it will be lots of fun. I’ll be present with my family, serving refreshments throughout the day. Please come! And if you’d like to help, I’m still in need of the following:
- 4 people to help serve food (there will be two 4-hour shifts)
- Homemade coffeecakes or desserts, individually packaged in Saran Wrap or Ziploc bags
- People to help park cars
If you’re able to help in any of these ways, please e-mail me or call 828-303-1166 by Friday, Oct. 14. Thank you so much! May Christ be glorified in each of our lives as we serve Him.
In addition to fundraising, I have two main goals this fall: to write a significant portion of my Bible study and to grow my social media audience. I struggle to stay on task with writing because of numerous distractions, so please pray God will give me undivided attention to write. Your prayers will make a difference, I know 🙂. Thank you. As for social media, I especially appreciate connecting with God’s people all over the world. Twitter has enabled me to do this even more than Facebook, and it’s meaningful to “meet” others who love Christ. Even though writing a book and growing my platform require much time, I’m trying to enjoy the journey. Little by little, God is helping me pen each word and make each connection. He is so good.
Also, please consider me as you plan women’s retreats and conferences. I’m available to speak on a variety of Scripture passages and topics. Just contact me for further details—I’d love to come your way.
I’m grateful for you, dear sisters in Christ. May God inspire and strengthen us to accomplish His purpose as we watch for His hand, wait on His timing, and work for His glory.
Much love in Christ,
May Christ be glorified in each of our lives as we serve Him. (Click to tweet)
Let’s watch for God’s hand, wait on His timing, and work for His glory. (Click to tweet)