This Christmas

“For God, who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness, is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Cor. 4:6, NASB

Loving Lord Jesus,

You are the Morning Star, transcendent and luminous light. Insignificantly–yet oh, so significantly–You entered this world’s pervading, perilous darkness on an ordinary night. The Light of the world has come. Piercing the blackness. Dispelling gloom.

Your beautiful face has shone in our hearts, allowing us to know God. Though we were broken beyond repair and dead in our sins, You came to be broken for us … to give us life, to make us whole. The light of Your love miraculously heals. And forever we are changed.

You are our hope! Our joy! Our peace! In Your radiance, we can finally, truly see. Thank You for transforming our darkness into light … for turning an inconspicuous night into everlasting day.

We love you, Lord Jesus. Forgive us for sometimes forgetting You in the frenzy of holiday preparations. Overwhelm our hearts once again with Your glorious face. Because this Christmas, we just want You.

In Your most magnificent name we pray, Amen.

photo credit: ecstaticist via photopin cc

6 thoughts on “This Christmas

  1. Dear Emily,
    This is so beautiful! It is a powerful reminder for us all, not just for Christmas, but everyday. Thank you for being so steadfast in your walk with our Lord. You are always ready to give us what we need!!!! Love and many Blessings of Christmas to you, Melissa

    1. Oh, thank you, dear Melissa! To God be the glory, and I am so glad this post was meaningful to you. Wonderful to hear from you.

      In Christ’s love,

  2. Thank you, Emily, for the beautiful reminder. I took a screenshot so when I get stressed I can just pull out my phone and refocus! Have a blessed holiday season!

  3. This is lovely. Thank you Emily for pointing us back to the beautiful reason we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle. This is a season to remember our Savior.

    1. Thank you, dear Amy! To God be the glory. I’m so glad you stopped by my blog. May you experience Christ in especially meaningful ways this Christmas.

      In His Love,

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