Unwanted … But Wanted

“… blood is on their hands … when they had slaughtered their children for their idols …”   Ezekiel 23:37, 39

Wooden stakes laced with plastic orange netting decorated the beach. Early morning caretakers diligently visited these areas where sea turtle eggs awaited hatching. An exciting time, the arrival of these creatures clearly classified as an eagerly anticipated event.

” … It is illegal to harm … sea turtle eggs …”

I stared at the sign. Processing the stern warning that included potential prosecution, I contemplated this law of protection for sea turtles. Inescapably I thought of this irony: it’s illegal to harm a sea turtle egg … but perfectly legal to destroy human life within a mother’s womb. Oh, how this must break God’s heart.

God eternally exists as Creator of life. Before mankind, He designed exquisite angelic beings. In the garden, He formed man from dust and fashioned woman from man’s side. Almighty God excels in intricate detail and skillful construction obviously delights Him. Originating in His immense mind, all things living–including sea turtles to humans–express His creative genius. Yet we have irreverently, rebelliously, selfishly interfered.

Oh, how abortion must break God’s heart. Watching these little ones, whom He’s uniquely shaped into His image, heartlessly destroyed invokes intense grief. Surely He weeps. Just as death’s foul odor pervaded Lazarus’ tomb, death’s stench presides over these graveyards in the womb. A travesty of epic proportions, abortion annihilates whom God wants–a child–because for various reasons, a human heart deems that child unwanted.

Aborted children: wanted by God … unwanted by mankind.

We as the church remain accountable for our response to this disease of legalized death. It’s not about a woman’s right to choose–the living God, the Creator Himself already has chosen to initiate life.  Will we idly stand by and look the other way? Or will we stand in the gap–even on the sidewalk–lovingly reaching out to women and their unborn children? Will we stand for life wherever God places us?

Dear family in Christ, God has graciously given us the ” … ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us …” (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

It’s hard. I’ve been on the sidewalk once. But I’m planning to return. Not as a goody two-shoes Christian, but as a sinner saved by God’s incredible grace. Though my presence there is unwanted by the world, I go because it’s wanted by God.

God doesn’t call every Christian to stand for life in the same way. Enormously creative, He’s gifted each of us to impart His truth distinctly. How is He leading you?

photo credit: ** Lucky Cavey ** via photopin cc

4 thoughts on “Unwanted … But Wanted

  1. Your powerful words resonated deeply in my heart today ! My life is one that has forever been impacted by one young woman’s brave choice to “Say YES to life!” many years ago when Pregnancy Care Centers were not in existence to encourage a young woman with an unplanned pregnancy. My beloved husband of 40 plus years was one of those precious “little lambs” –loved enough to be placed in the arms of adoptive parents who gave him their name and resources, their home and hearts, their legacy of faith and their inheritance–JUST LIKE JESUS does for us!
    My husband’s life has been used by God through the educational process as he has impacted thousands of community college students in his distinguished career of leading colleges in NC and TN. Our children and grandchildren join me in giving thanks to God for allowing us to be the beneficiaries of one young woman’s decision to CHOOSE LIFE!

    1. Dear Sandy,

      It’s always encouraging to hear a personal testimony! Thank you for sharing the joy of what your husband’s birth mother’s decision meant to you. Her choice for life has made an outstanding contribution to many lives. To God be the glory!

      In Christ’s Love,

  2. This is a wonderful, but heartbreaking post! Thank you for addressing this issue!

    For those who want to do something and SEE babies and souls saved for God’s Glory, please go to http://www.Sidewalks4Life.com to learn how to sidewalk counsel! Our family has ministered on the sidewalk for years (I did it growing up), and last year in Charlotte, NC, we heard 376 women verbally tell us that they chose LIFE! Some of those allowed us to shower them with baby items; some were mentored by godly women; others were connected with our wonderful doctors who see them and deliver them for free; others received many other services through the Cities4Life Charlotte Life Network and still others committed their lives to JESUS (some pre-abortive and some post-abortive). How beautiful to see God use SIMPLE, gentle Christians to show JESUS to these women and babies! God is GOOD!

    1. Dear Lisa,

      Thank you for your passionate stand for life and ministry to those directly affected by abortion. You are an inspiring example, and I praise God for the work He’s doing through you. To God be the glory!

      In Christ’s Love,

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