“There is none like the God of Jeshurun, Who rides the heavens to your help, And through the skies in His majesty. The eternal God is a dwelling place, And underneath are the everlasting arms.” – Deuteronomy 33:26-27
It’s called “nesting”–that God-given sense every woman has to provide a warm and welcoming home for the child she’s expecting. It’s been over ten years since I had this privilege, and with three other small children running around, I’m not sure I really saw nesting as a privilege at the time. I probably felt overwhelmed. Nonetheless, I did my best to prepare for my last baby’s homecoming by cleaning, organizing, and decorating her room. The day came when she finally arrived and we were so blessed to bring her home.
I’ve spent the better part of the last couple weeks at home. Sickness has a way of demanding that, and since my entire family is still recovering from a horrendous virus, I am at home. And you know what? It’s been nice! Despite being sick, caring for the sick, and feeling like I just didn’t have time to be sick, it’s been a blessing to be home. God has used this”interruption” to remind me of the simple joys of being a wife, a mom, and a homemaker. After what we’ve been through, simply preparing a delicious meal for my family is quite an accomplishment! Keeping up with laundry and deep cleaning certain areas provides a good sense of satisfaction. Loving and nurturing my family is something God created me to do–taking care of our home is one way I can do that.
Yet this is not my home.
Scripture tells us the eternal God is our dwelling place. Imagine that! The God who rides through the heavens to help us, the God who rides in His majesty … He is our dwelling place. He is our refuge and shelter. We are always warm and welcome in His everlasting arms. No one can ever snatch us out of His hand (see John 10:29).
No matter how attached we might be to the comforts of our earthly home, nothing compares to resting in our heavenly Father’s embrace. God wants us to long for Him more than anything else. More than what this world offers. More than what our church and friends offer. More that what our spouse and family offer …
God is our Home.
“LORD, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.” – Psalm 90:1