Dressing Up: Relationships & Armor – Is There a Connection?

photo credit: Suit of French Armour via photopin (license)

“Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10-11, Nasb

My mind’s been set on beginning this series with the first piece of armor, the belt of truth. But as I read through this portion of Scripture, I felt inclined to begin at verse 10 so we understand the context before examining each item.

It’s fascinating how the Holy Spirit redirects, and honestly, that’s exactly what I want.

Ephesians 6, a practical chapter, addresses our relational and individual needs. Just as a friend’s knowledgeable word spreads understanding within us, this passage demonstrates how intimately God knows us. He’s our Creator and Father who faithfully remains FOR us. No matter what. While verses one through nine instruct us about family and work relationships, the topic suddenly changes in verses 10-18 to the individual Christian’s need for protection.

I find that so interesting: really, why the transition from relationships to armor? Is there any connection? Maybe. Because truthfully speaking, we most struggle to display Godly behavior in our families. Even work environments where we rub shoulders with the same people day after day can become so comfortable or uncomfortable that we let our guard down.

In these common places of family and work—along with various places—we’re vulnerable. God knows this, so He charges us to Put. On. His. Armor. Otherwise, when we least expect it, the devil schemes against us and sets us up for failure. He knows our weaknesses, and he slyly takes advantage like a lion captures its prey.

So, dear ones, God directs us to be strong in Him … to rely on His strength rather than ours. How? By putting on His armor. What an awesome provision. The God of the universe cares so much about our safety that He meticulously fashioned a protective suit for each of us. To wear. To make us strong. To enable us to stand.

For years I’ve wanted a stylish, sophisticated suit of my own—maybe in a deep red or gray, though I haven’t given the color much thought. Yet a ladies’ dress suit is quite flimsy compared to God’s design: a suit of armor–panoplia in the Greek, meaning “complete armour, includes shield, sword, lance, helmet, greaves, and breastplate.” The Lord doesn’t leave any part of us uncovered. Oh, how I love His thoughtful care and the safety I find in Him. When we wear His armor, God protects us from the evil one’s schemes, methodeia, his “cunning arts, deceit, craft, trickery.”

In what area of your life do you especially need God’s protection today?

Let’s name our need. We know what to wear. Let’s put on God’s armor.

Much love in Christ to you,


2 thoughts on “Dressing Up: Relationships & Armor – Is There a Connection?

  1. I love praying the armor every day. I can tell when I forget. I made up a song for my son to help him remember the armour and all it’s pieces. Putting on the armour is putting on Christ. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Dear Cherrilynn,

      I love hearing from you – thank you for your thoughts. Yes, I love praying the armor as well. Though I don’t remember to do so every day, it’s such an empowering resource God has provided.

      Love to you in Christ,

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